The C Major Scale's 7 Modes

The Modes are generally studied in the following order in the Key of C:

(I) 	Ionian 	(C D E F G A B C)
(ii) 	Dorian 	(D E F G A B C D)
(iii) Phyrigan 	(E F G A B C D E)
(IV) 	Lydian 	(F G A B C D E F)
(V) Mixolydian 	(G A B C D E F G)
(vi)   Aeolian 	(A B C D E F G A)
(vii)  Locrian 	(B C D E F G A B)

Ionian is the major "do-re-mi" scale that we all know and love. Its whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half (or T/s Tone/semitone) step construction can also be seen as:

C   D   E     F   G   A   B     C
 1   1   1/2   1   1   1   1/2
 W   W    H    W   W   W    H
 T   T    s    T   T   T    s

Dorian, the 2nd mode, runs from D to D (re mi fa sol la ti do re). It uses all natural notes (no sharps/flats) and is different than the D major scale which has 2 sharps. The whole & half step construction displaces the first Whole step (C to D) to the end of the series making it whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half-whole:

D   E     F   G   A   B     C   D
 1   1/2   1   1   1   1/2   1
 W    H    W   W   W    H    W
 T    s    T   T   T    s    T

The pattern of each following mode continues in the same fashion. Considering that the lowest fretted note on a guitar is F, this is where we start (for the key of C).

Open Position (iii - Phrygian)

  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____

1st Position (IV - Lydian)

2nd Position (V - Mixolydian)

3rd Position (vi - Aeolian)

4th Position (vii - Locrian)
The common "closed" Major Scale Position

5th Position (I - IONIAN)

6th Position (ii - Dorian)

7th Position (iii - Phrygian)

Master each of these, one at a time, practicing each ascending & descending. Listen to each and how the root notes relate to many tones away from C that the mode starts on.

Also, try practicing each ascending a 3rd, descend a 2nd, ascend a 3rd, descend a such:



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